Save the date! Wednesday 18th September 5pm Magique Hands biomechanics and bodywork workshop at Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre.
Come along for a fab evening of learning with Jodie Worboys, taking us through the equine skeleton, the horse in motion, and bodywork techniques you can use on all horses in your life.
This will be a fun and interactive experience for all.
Under 18s go free!! WSPC Pony Club members and Changing Lives Through Horses participants free also.
For all others £15 with proceeds going to our charity Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre.
We're also hosting a tack sale! If you need headcollars, lead ropes, numnahs, saddles, bridles, stirrups, rugs, bareback pads, they're there for you!!
Come one come all!! Looking forward to seeing you!!
