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Sister Mary Joy Langdon to step down as CEO after 35 years


Updated: Sep 6, 2023

Sister Mary Joy Langdon has announced that she will step back from her role as Chief Executive of the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre in 2024 after 35 years in the position. The Board of Trustees are delighted that she will remain an integral part of the charity going forward.

Sister Mary Joy Langdon, founder and Chief Executive of the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre, said:

“The Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre is a remarkable organisation full of wonderful people who have been delivering vital services to children, particularly those with special needs and physical disabilities, for over three decades. The vision for the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre has always been to provide a safe and supportive place where all children can grow and flourish in a caring and nurturing equine environment. Over the past 35 years, I have been witness to the remarkable transformation that takes place when communication between horses and disabled or profoundly traumatised children is allowed to grow. The partnerships that the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre has with the Riding for the Disabled Association and the Kids on the Green charity, formed after the tragedy at Grenfell Tower, continue to inspire the positive growth in confidence that horses bring to children. I am confident that the next Chief Executive will continue this precious legacy. I will remain part of the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre in a new role where my focus will be on coaching and training”.

Janice Gardner, Chair of the Board of Trustees, added:

“Mary Joy is the founder of this remarkable charity and after three decades in post we now have a planned period of transition to celebrate and consolidate her wonderful legacy. Mary Joy’s leadership has been outstanding, and I am grateful for her constant energy and support for this vital charity in the heart of London. The Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre has gone from strength to strength over the past 35 years and that is testament to Mary Joy’s dedication. I speak on behalf of my fellow Board members and everyone at the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre when I thank her for all that she has achieved. Mary Joy’s legacy is a charity in great shape for her successor to develop and deliver the ambitious commitments to ensure disabled and traumatised children can explore their potential with compassionate and award-winning horse therapy.”

Planning for the recruitment of a new Chief Executive will now commence with a smooth transition to allow Mary Joy to take up a newly defined role with the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre that supports her remarkable talent in teaching and coaching. Separate announcements for the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre 35-year anniversary celebration events will be communicated in due course.


1 comentário

09 de fev. de 2024

Happy retirement Sister Mary Joy.May God continue to bless you and your organization.


Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre

Wormwood Scrubs, London, England, UK

Charity Number: 1045045

Opening Hours:

Mon - Sun: 10am - 2pm

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